
Do you ship internationally?

At the current time, we only ship to our customers in Canada.

How do I pay for my order?

With any major credit card, PayPal or Apple Pay

How do I track my order?

Once your order has been completed, we send an email that references your tracking number. If you ordered and never received your tracking number, email us and we’ll the issue sorted.

How are shipping rates calculated?

Shipping rates are calculated as a flat rate based on the weight of the products ordered and the shipping method selected.

Do you offer free shipping?

Yes we do. For all orders over $60 within Canada, we cover the shipping costs.

How long does it take to get my order?

Your order is processed with 1-4 days of you placing it. You can expect delivery within 3-5 days from the date of shipment.

Our Company

What does Apiarium mean?

It is the Latin for Apiary – a collection of beehives. We have been studying the disappearance of honeybees since 1998 and Apiarium and her sister site The Good Food Guide allows us to continue our work.

Is Apiarium a social enterprise?

Yes. The core of our company addresses the harm done to human and planetary wellbeing. Honeybees play a critical role in both. We have undertaken several honeybee initiatives, the latest being the Wildflower Project where our customers can purchase packets of wildflower seeds to scatter in parks and along highways so honeybees have places to harvest nectar and honey. More honeybees, more plants, more flowers and most importantly more food.

Also, as the effects of the on-going global health crisis alter the arc of millions of human lives through massive unemployment, the Good Food Guide donates 5% of all sales to Food Banks throughout Ontario.

How does buying your products support your cause.

You make a difference by helping to support our research and practical applications like the Wildflower Project. And your purchases help those in need. The Good Food Guide donates 5% of proceeds to Food Banks throughout Ontario.

How can I help support the honey bee cause?

Start with supporting your local farmers and eat organic food when ever possible. Plant some bee-friendly flowers in your backyard. Start your own victory garden – big or small and use bee-friendly flowers to attract pollinators and please do not use pesticides. There are alternatives.

What foods do honeybees pollinate.

Honeybees are the most important pollinator in the world. Nearly one third of our food is dependent on these intrepid little flyers. Without their pollinating services we would not have almonds, apples, avocados, berries of all sorts and sizes, cherries, broccoli, squash or tomatoes and the list goes on and on. If you eat meat, honeybees pollinate alfalfa and clover, a main feed for grazing animals. Nearly 90% of wild plant species and 75% of crops that feed us are dependent upon pollinators. And then there are the herbal medicines. And, in a world that runs on economic value, honeybess contribute up to $50 billion USD to the global economy.

Are honeybees still in danger of extinction?

Yes.  But the honey bee is just one of many insects in decline — 40% of the world’s insect species are in decline, according to a February 2019 study. The die-offs are happening primarily because insects are losing their habitats to farming and urbanization. While many scientists suspect pesticides are a contributor to Colony Collapse Disorder, the actual cause is still a mystery.

How can I stay up to date on the progress of the causes The Good Food Guide Supports?

Join our newsletter. Each month we include interesting tips, honeybee facts and updates of all things honeybees.